How to Apply to Annul a Succession or Will Probate Order in Israel

This article addresses how to annul a succession or will probate order in Israel.

Annul a Succession or Will Probate Order in Israel

This Series of Posts

Our law office specializes in a variety of fields, including inheritance law in Israel.  This article is one in a series addressing different aspects of Israeli inheritance law, based on the Hebrew instructions on the Ministry of Justice website under the Registrar of Inheritance Affairs.  To read more, see our collection of articles on inheritance issues.

How to Apply to Annul a Succession or Will Probate Order in Israel through the Registrar

An application to annul a succession or will probate order in Israel may be processed through the Registrar of Inheritance Affairs.  In order to do so, one must file a prepared affidavit accompanied by a payment confirmation that the fee for annulling an order was paid, even if it was paid via the internet.  (See our articles discussing the various fees for inheritance issues and how to pay the fees.)

The application may be submitted by mail or by placing the documents in the service box of the district offices that are handling the issue.  Additionally, the documents may be submitted at the offices of the district registrar during office hours.

How the Information Is Processed

After the data is entered into the system and scanned, it is sent to the representative in the relevant district Attorney General’s office for a response.  After a response is given, the answer is sent back to the Registrar of Inheritance Affairs.

Annulling a Will through the Court

In the event that the family court decides that the will must be annulled, the relevant documents for annulment of the will should be submitted directly to the court and not to the Registrar of Inheritance Affairs.

Contact Us

If you have questions about how to annul a will in Israel or anything else related to this issue, please contact us.

Advocate Michael Decker specializes in Israeli inheritance law and would be happy to discuss this issue with you.