Living Will – Israeli Lawyer

This article, Living Will – Israeli Lawyer, addresses some of the most frequently asked questions about a living will, giving you a quick overview of what you need to know on the topic. 

Living Will - Israeli Lawyer

What You Need to Know about a Living Will – Israeli Lawyer

  1. Who can make a living will? Any legal adult (at least 17 years of age) who is considered of sound mind may make a living will.
  2. What is it? A living will is a document that allows an individual to determine what sort of treatment they may wish to have in the event they become terminally ill and are then unable to make medical decisions for themselves.  Additionally, one can grant an individual power of attorney as well as specify whether or not the individual with power of attorney may make decisions that may contradict a living will. 
  3. When should I make a living will?  Many people make a living will when they first obtain a medical diagnosis or as they age and they see the benefit of such a document. We advise any legal adult to consider making a living will, particularly if you have a terminal medical condition. We also advise legal adults to do this in advance of any unexpected medical situation in order to be prepared for any eventuality.
  4. Where do I obtain the relevant forms?  One may obtain the relevant forms from the Israeli Ministry of Health, including forms to make a living will, extend a living will, and cancel a living will.  Note that these forms need to be filled out in Hebrew.
  5. How do I make a living will?  You fill out the necessary forms and sign it in the presence of two witnesses who are considered neutral, meaning they do not have any economic or financial interests in you preparing a living will.  You then submit the forms. 
  6. Where do I submit the forms?  The forms must be submitted to the Israeli Ministry of Health.
  7. How long is a living will valid?  A living will is valid for five years at a time, after which it can be extended for another five years.  
  8. What should I do if I change my mind or wish to update a living will?  Whenever one submits a living will, all previous living wills are automatically invalidated. Thus, if your situation changes or you wish to indicate new preferences, you can submit a new living will, automatically invalidating your previous one.
  9. When will the living will come into effect? The living will goes into effect when one becomes terminally ill, meaning they are not expected to survive for more than six months, even with medical treatment.  A physician must declare that the person is terminally ill prior to this going into effect. Additionally, the law can go into effect when one becomes incompetent. 
  10. What should I do if I need help making a living will?  You are welcome to contact our law firm to obtain quick, professional assistance with all your legal needs.

Clients sometimes ask us about the difference between a living will and an enduring power of attorney, which we address in another article. 

Contact Us about a Living Will – Israeli Lawyer

If you have any questions or concerns about a living will and you seek an Israeli lawyer’s assistance, please contact us.  Advocate Anat Levi would be happy to assist you.

צרו קשר לקבלת ייעוץ משפטי