Reciprocal Will in Israel

This article will describe what a reciprocal will in Israel is and why many choose to write one.  

What Is a Reciprocal Will in Israel

Reciprocal Will in Israel

Israel’s Inheritance Law (2005, in Hebrew only) specifies what a simple reciprocal will is and how it works. A reciprocal or mutual will is a legal document, which is often used by married couples, that indicates that all their property should be transferred to the surviving partner upon their death. Reciprocal wills are sometimes called “mirror wills,” as the reciprocal wills of two partners reflect one another. At the same time, each individual is permitted to add specifications to their reciprocal will that do not mirror one another; for example, the distribution of certain property to beneficiaries other than their partner, like children, or others. Other than these specifications, the remainder of the property is transferred to the surviving partner. The reciprocal nature of the wills demand that each will is dependent on the existence of the partner’s similar will.  

Canceling a Reciprocal Will in Israel

While both partners are alive, it is possible to withdraw from the reciprocal will. Any changes to one will automatically nullify the other one. Any new wills must be drawn up separately, or new reciprocal wills with different specifications can be made.  

We discuss how and why you should write a simple reciprocal will in this video. Note that we discuss mutual wills, which is another name for a reciprocal will. 

Writing One or Two Reciprocal Wills?

While it is possible to write one document for both partners, we recommend that separate wills should be prepared. This helps with record keeping and is often more convenient as each partner can keep a copy in their own records.

Contact Us 

Our Law Offices specialize in inheritance law, among other legal fields. We regularly work with clients on inheritance issues, and we have numerous articles on our website on the topic.  This includes how to write a will, living wills vs. enduring power of attorney, restitution of assets if you have family that died in the Holocaust, and more.

If you seek assistance with a reciprocal will or anything else related to inheritance, please contact Advocate Michael Decker who specializes in inheritance law.

צרו קשר לקבלת ייעוץ משפטי