Benefits of Enduring Power of Attorney

This article addresses the benefits of enduring power of attorney, including what it is, why it’s important, and further links to other articles that may be of interest.  Enduring power of attorney falls under family law in Israel, which is under the Ministry of Justice.

Benefits of an Enduring Power of Attorney

Setting the Terms

In Hebrew, enduring power of attorney is called yipuy coakh mitmashekh.  It is a document that indicates what an individual would want to happen with regard to their health and estate in the event that they become unfit to make their own decisions.  This is different from a legal guardian,or apotropus, which is a court approved guardian. While an individual can draft a document indicating who they would wish the apotropus to be, this always involves court approval, whereas the enduring power of attorney does not.  (For more information on the topic, see our article providing more details about the apotropus in Israel.)

The Benefits of Enduring Power of Attorney

There are a number of important benefits of an enduring power of attorney.  This allows an individual to:

  1. Choose the person who will make decisions on their behalf in the future.  In the event that someone does not choose this ahead of time, it can lead to various family conflicts, and the court will appoint an apotropus it thinks is best, which may have been contradictory to what the individual may have wanted. 
  2. Avoid legal costs associated with family conflicts or numerous court proceedings.  Drawing up an enduring power of attorney is the smarter and more economical method of engagement.
  3. Ensure that their preferences, while of sound mind, are maintained when they are no longer able to make their own decisions. 

This Series of Articles

This article is one in a longer series addressing all sorts of topics related to guardianship in Israel.  For more information, see our articles addressing a living will vs enduring power of attorney, what an apotropus can do, how to apply for an enduring power of attorney, documents needed, and more. 

Contact Us

Our law offices specialize in numerous legal fields, and we can also help clients draw up an enduring power of attorney.  Not every lawyer in Israel can do this, as one has to have special training in order to do so, but Advocate Anat Levi from our law office is certified in this area. If you have any questions or concerns about the benefits of enduring power of attorney, feel free to contact us. 

צרו קשר לקבלת ייעוץ משפטי