Jerusalem Family Lawyer

This article provides you with information about a Jerusalem family lawyer who can help with all your family law needs. All issues regarding family law fall under the auspices of the Israeli Ministry of Justice.

Issues that Fall Under Family Law

Jerusalem Family LawyerThere are numerous issues that fall under family law.  These range from marriage, including pre- and post-nuptial agreements, divorce, inheritance, paternity, child custody, child abduction, legal guardianship, and more.  We have written numerous articles related to these various topics in the family law section of our website.  

It’s important to note that family law is very sensitive, thus having the right lawyer for your case can make an already difficult process much easier for you.  Israel is different from many Western countries as religious law governs a lot of family issues, there are differences depending on one’s religion, and there are both religious courts and secular ones.  The right lawyer can help guide you through the process. 

How to Choose a Jerusalem Family Lawyer

We know it can be overwhelming to choose the right lawyer for your case.  In Israel, lawyers are permitted to practice any field of law that they choose.  Additionally, Israel has one of the highest numbers of lawyers per capita, thus a simple internet search will yield numerous sites and services advertised.  

Here are our best tips to consider when choosing a lawyer:

  1. Make sure you choose a lawyer who not only specializes in the field of law you seek, family law, but one that also has significant experience practicing this type of law.  
  2. It’s often best to find a lawyer who is in a location that is easily accessible for you, where you can meet face to face at least a few times throughout the legal process.  While it is not essential to do so, it is certainly helpful in establishing the working relationship.  If this location is convenient for you, you’ll spend less time commuting to address your legal needs.
  3. Choose a lawyer or law firm that can provide you with legal services in the language most comfortable for you.  As a country of immigrants, sometimes clients prefer to speak to their lawyer in French, English, Spanish, or Russian, among other languages, instead of just Hebrew.  Our law firm provides services in all of these languages.
  4. Ask your lawyer if they have the required time and availability to take on your case.  Sometimes, law firms simply accept cases, even when they lack the staff to act on these cases quickly and effectively.  This will decrease the likelihood of your case getting the attention it deserves.  Ask how long the case is expected to take and ensure your lawyer can allocate the time needed to complete it in a timely manner.
  5. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what the legal fees will entail up front.  Sometimes, these fees will fluctuate as certain complicated cases require appeals and extra steps that were unanticipated.  However, make sure you have an open line of communication about expected fees.

This Series of Articles

For the convenience of our clients, we have written dozens of articles on all sorts of issues related to family law.  For more information on pre-nuptial agreements, civil marriage, dissolution of marriage, spousal support, inheritance, inheritance/probate orders, taking children abroad without the consent of the other parent/legal guardian, and more, see the relevant articles.

Contact Us

If you seek a Jerusalem family lawyer, please contact us. We are centrally located in downtown Jerusalem, with branches of our law office in other areas of the country as well.  Advocate Anat Levi would be happy to help you address your family law issues.


צרו קשר לקבלת ייעוץ משפטי